Saturday, December 31, 2011

Another year over

Well, I made it!  2011 is coming to a close, and 2012 is looking brighter than ever!  When I started this blog my goal was to put the difficult and sometimes painful or sad or overwhelmingly stressful things in my life into a new light.  A positive light.  Too often I find it is easy to think negatively...Thinking about all the bad things that could theoretically happen.  This blog was meant to take those situations and look at them in a different light.  The times that I was faithful to my posting method proved the power of positive thinking.  The problem was...I didn't post every time I was sad, or scared, or stressed.  Therefore, there were some difficult times.  However, I can't overlook the amazing things that  have occurred here in 2011.  Just to name a few...We are ALIVE (yup gotta look at the obvious one first!) we survived a year as a healthy family!  Doug had surgery, but it went well, and the outcome in 4 weeks will be nothing short of a healthier lifestyle for the man of my dreams...Can't go wrong there!  I passed my 2 year anniversary at work...marking my longest time at a job in about 5 years!  Our puppies are doing well and they are happy and healthy and we couldn't ask for more!  Our new apartment although it has its finally feeling warm and cozy!  We located a pizza place just down the street that is remarkably close (not quite, but close) to good ol New York Pizza!  A new 2nd cousin was born in January, We saw George Strait and Reba McIntyre in Concert!  Great seats...great show...great people!  Doug completed 3 college courses I ran another 1/2 marathon, and my Brother finally made it to Colorado!  And was here to see me cross the finish line!  We took a spontaneous road trip to Cheyenne Wyoming with the puppies...walked them in the park and then came home!  Wonderful conversation.  We moved from the house we were renting back into an apartment the money saved is always nice!  Although my dad ended up in the hospital...he is doing much better and we enjoyed a wonderful 2 weeks for Thanksgiving and mock Christmas.  Our tradition of attending the Dillon BBQ festival continued and we were accompanied by some new friends!  I joined the US ARMY!  and then attended a going away party for my new found friend Kristin who shipped off to basic a few weeks after.  I received a waiver for my eyes and was able to choose the 35F job that I was hoping for!  Military Intelligence Analyst!  A long time dream of joining the military is finally coming true!  I received my first pair of Army Boots and my BCT countdown began!  I went to my first pro hockey game with my amazing husband, my wonderful mom, and my wonderful dad!  And we WON!  Our out of town vacation this year took us to Puerto Rico!  We spent a week with some friends who renewed their vows, I saw where my great grandfather was from and enjoyed delicious food and great company!  Kristen got married, and Doug and I began our first year of tradition in our own home.  Yes the year of 2011 had its ups and downs, but looking back there was so much to be thankful for...2012 will be busy and challenging, but we will have the opportunity to move somewhere new, make new friends, and hopefully both Doug and I will be able to better flourish in our new location.  So much to look forward to, so although its sad to say goodbye to 2011...I can't wait for 2012!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Well, its been a little over a month since my last post, and a lot has been going on here in the world of Jennifer!  I have struggled with my job, I have struggled with my future career, I have struggled with much needed motivation, and I have struggled with feelings of jealousy and admiration.  Although, all my problems and struggles have not been solved, over the past 2 weeks, I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I have a renewed sense of being.  I have made some decisions, and I have been feeling a lot better the last few days.  The Thanksgiving holiday with my husband and my parents was lovely, and everyone was really nice about listening to my stress and concerns on repeat for days on end.  Now it is time for those thoughts to take a new spin and really come alive in my decisions.  I love the path that I am taking.  Although some of the challenges make me nervous the overall outcome is very exciting.  It is time to leave the mindset of a teacher and focus on becoming a soldier!

just living is not enough, you need sunshine freedom and a little flower